{slider title="Establishment Section" class="blue solid"} The Administrative Officer is the controlling officer of Establishment Section. The intermediary officer in the Establishment Section is Smt. Anithakumari, Senior Superintendent. There are two main section in the Establishment—EA & EB. The following are the details of work allotted and dealing hands in the Establishment Section.

EA1 - Smt. Lakshmi Rani, Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with establishment matters of all staff in the IHRD, Headquarters, Maintenance of attendance register, causal leave register of establishment wing of the IHRD Headquarters, Files related to Audit of A.G, Kerala State Audit Department in the Establishment Section, answering LA questions and any work allotted by the higher authorities from time to time.

EA2 - Smt. Sindhu Shanmukam,
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the establishment matters of all heads of institutions under IHRD, internal selection of higher posts for the concerned section implementation of  pay revision under IHRD and answering of LA questions and any other work allotted by the higher authorities. This section also deals with the stock of stationery items in the IHRD Headquarters.

EA3 - Smt. Lekshmi Rani R
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the establishment matters of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors  in Engineering College under IHRD, the matters relating to the implementation of AICTE/UGC package for faculties in the Engineering Colleges, deputation of faculties for higher studies, internal selection of higher posts for the concerned section, answering LA questions and other works if any allotted by the higher authorities

EA4 - Smt. Renju T S, Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the establishment matters of all ministerial staff under IHRD their internal promotion  for higher post, files relating to Staff Pattern and Special Rules of IHRD, answering of LA questions and other works allotted by the higher authorities from time to time.

EB1 - Sri. Mujeeb Rehman, Junior Superintendent

This section deals with the establishment matters of all categories of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers of College of Applied Science, Model Polytechnic Colleges, Technical Higher Secondary Schools, Regional Centres, Model Finishing Schools and Study Centres etc….and their internal selection for higher posts, answering LA questions. Files related to the creation of temporary post under IHRD. EB1 also deals with the Record Section under IHRD Headquarters. The Assistant posted in this section functions as the Record Keeper.

EB2 - Smt. Kala L j, Head Clerk

This section deals with the establishment matters of all categories of Junior System Analyst, Computer Programmers, Librarians, Library Assistants, Lab Assistants, Last Grade Staff and Part-time Staff and their internal selection for higher post, answering LA questions and any other work allotted by the higher authorities from time to time.

EB3 - Smt. Kala L j, Head Clerk

This section deals with the establishment matters all categories of Foreman, Demonstrator, Trade Instructor, Tradesman and the Medical reimbursement claim of all staff members under IHRD. File related to LA Interpellation and its timely disposal etc… Files related to formation of internal complaints committee for prevention, prohibition and reddressal of sexual harassment of women at work place. This section shall also deals with all general matters relating to Establishment Section not specifically allotted to other sections.


{slider title="Academic Section" class="orange solid"} The Director is the controlling officer of Academic Section with the Deputy Director in charge as the intermediary controlling officer. The intermediary officer in the Academic Section is Smt.Danly, Senior Superintendent Smt. Sobhana, Senior Superintendent There are three major sections in the Academic namely DA, DB and DC Section. The following are the details of work allotted and dealing hands in the Accademic Section.

DA1 - Sri. Praveen.N.G,
Head Clerk

This section deals with the Academic matters of Engineering Colleges under IHRD, matters on planning of new courses and new institutions under IHRD and academic matters of Finishing School and other matters if any allotted by the higher authorities.

DA2 - Smt. Floranse, Senior Office Assistant

The files related to the academic matters of Colleges of Applied Science under Kerala, MG Universities, Calicut and Kannur Univerrsities and other matters as allotted by the higher authorities.

DA3 - Sri. Praveen.N.G,
Head Clerk

This section deals with academic matters of Model Polytechnic Colleges under IHRD there admission and planning of new courses and all general matters as allotted by the higher authorities.

DB1 - Smt. Meera Chandran B L,
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with all the files related to the conduct of various regular, short – term and long – term courses conducted by IHRD, conduct of examinations, issue of certificates related to these courses and all other miscellaneous matter allotted by the higher authorities from time to time.

DB2 - Smt. Meera Chandran B L,
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the academic matters of Technical Higher Secondary Schools under IHRD, conduct of entrance test for admission to 8th standard in Technical Higher Secondary Schools under IHRD, Maintenance of casual leave register of D Section and furnishing of absentee statement to Fin.B1 section for every month and other matters allotted by the higher authorities.

DC1 -Smt. Rajasree.R, Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with all files related to all networked courses and projects taken up and conducted by IHRD which are being implemented through associate institutions under IHRD, Skill Development Centres  and, Model Finishing Schools, ASAP,  Projects under Skill Development Programmes etc..,Academic Staff College and other matters entrusted by the higher authorities from time to time.

DC2 - Smt. Rajasree.R, Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with all files relating to all individual projects taken up by IHRD, PMD, Add on courses, Regional Centres, Kerala Legislative Assembly Project works, Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC),  IT projects in the IT Division, Miscellaneous projects and other projects and other work allotted by the higher authorities.


{slider title="Purchase Section" class="red solid color_content"} The Finance Officer is the controlling officer of Purchase Section.  The intermediary officer in the Purchase Section is Smt.Jilly Jacob, Technical Store Keeper (Selection Grade) is  the Superintendent of Purchase Section. The following are the details of work allotted and dealing hands in the Purchase Section.


PA1 - Smt. Aswathy C L, Office Assistant (T)

This section deals with the purchase matters of Engineering Colleges under IHRD and any other work allotted by the higher authorities.

PA3 -Smt. Aswathy C L, Office Assistant (T)

This section deals with the purchase matters of Model Polytechnic Colleges under IHRD , MHRD fund and any other work allotted by the higher authorities

PA4 - Smt. Aswathy C L, Office Assistant (T)

This section deals with the purchase matters of Technical Higher Secondary Schools, Regional Centres, Extension Centres, Study Centres under IHRD ,work related to stock verification (write off) and maintaining of Casual leave and connected register of Purchase section and furnishing of absentees statement to Finance B Section and any other work allotted by the higher authorities.

PA5 - Smt. Jilly Jacob, Technical Store Keeper (Selection Grade)

This section deals with the purchase of various items for IHRD, Headquarters, maintenance of stock of various stores in IHRD Headquarters, printing and supply of various materials of all institutions under IHRD,  Custodian of all furniture and other items kept in stock and matter related to purchase, repair and maintenance of vehicle, purchase relating to MFS, maintenance of Asset Register, Printing and Supply of forms and other records/register required in the Headquarters and IHRD institutions using Risographic machine, charge of Library of Headquarters  and any other work allotted by the higher authorities.


{slider title="Finance Section " class="blue solid"} There are three main sections in the Finance - Fin A, Fin B and Fin C.The Finance Officer is the controlling officer of Finance A & B & C Section.   The intermediary officer in the Finance A1, A2, A3 Section is Finance Officer & Sri. V Vincent, Accounts Officer, 

Finance Section


Sri.Basheer -
Head Clerk

This section deals with the matters related to  Government related accounts such  as Plan fund , Non Plan fund, Kerala  budget  provision fund, MHRD Fund,  MLA Fund, MP Fund, ASAP Fund, NSS fund.  Project funds from Govt. and others. All correspondence related to


Smt. Jaya V Chacko - Jr. Superintendent

This section deals with the matters related Collection and  redistribution  of fund  to   associate institutions   Maintenance of Consolidated, CPF ,Gratuity  & NRI accounts  and their Investments .  Refund of   NRI  deposit to NRI  students, Disbursement of salary & wages to institutions


Smt. Laya V P-
Head Clerk

This section deals with the matters related to  CPF account (subscription- receipt and payment), CPF admission, Registers  of  Investment of CPF  & scrutinise the interest accrued for FDs,  loans &advances and Closure of CPF , Issue of CPF credit card, and  all correspondence related to.  The Assistant posted in this section functions as the Data Entry work of existing CPF software (Smt. Geethakumary)


Smt.Sreeja S -
Head Clerk

This section deals with the matters related to IHRD Head quarters account (receipt and payment ) and related work including cash book, salary and wages of IHRD Hqrs , TA bills of all IHRD HOI, GSPARK, Projects related payments


Conf. Assistant

This section deals with the matters related to Correspondence relating to Gratuity receipt, request for sanctioning of Gratuity, All correspondence related to Gratuity


Smt.-Rajesh C D, Jr. Superintendent

This section deals with the matters related to  AG audit, Internal audit, Local fund audit. CPF, Gratuity and GST audit. preparation of DCB Statement DCB & Administration Report. All correspondence related to


Dr.Ramaswamy S - Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the matters related to Budget Preparation and all correspondence related to the future Planning of IHRD


Smt.Vandana N
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the matters related to all associate institutions income and Expenditure related (Tally). day by day updating from associate instititute data through tally


Smt.Suni.S -
Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with the matters related to GST Collection from institutions and remittance , e-invoice and All GST / Income Tax related correspondence to


{slider title="Construction Section " class="green solid color_content"} The Accounts Officer is the controlling officer of Construction Section. The intermediary controlling officer in the Construction Section is Sri. Sreekumar. N, Assistant Executive Engineer. The following are the details of work allotted and dealing hand in the Construction Section.

CN - Dr. Jiji Joshnson, Senior Office Assistant

This section deals with matters relating to the construction/maintenance work under IHRD and providing of accommodation for all Engineering Colleges, Model Polytechnic Colleges, Colleges of Applied Science, Technical Higher Secondary Schools, Regional Centre’s, Extension Centre’s, Study Centre’s, Model Finishing Schools etc, Maintenance of casual leave and furnishing of Absentee Statement to Fin.B1 Section every month and other works allotted by the higher authorities.


{slider title="RTI Section " class="orange solid"}  RTI Section is under the control the Administrative Officer who also functions as the State Public Information Officer with CA to the Director as the intermediary officer.

RTI - Smt. Premeela.S,
CA (Senior Grade)

Smt. Premeela. S, Confidential Assistant (Senior Grade) is assigned with duties of Assistant State Public Information Officer and she deals with all files/registers in RTI Section, internal complaint committee for sexual harassment, convening of meeting etc…. Preparation of staff details of all employees, maintenance and updation of data bank of IHRD employees and other work allotted by the higher authorities from to time.
